

Everything you should know about Front end and back end web development

Angular and AngularJs: A Quick Overview 

Angular is an AngularJS alternative built on Typescript for the development of dynamic web applications. Today, the improved version is the most commonly used. It has an innovative modular design and is substantially faster than AngularJS in terms of development speed. It is possible to refer to all v1.x versions of Angular as AngularJS because it is written in Javascript. 

Everything you should know about Front end and back end web development

It was developed in 2009 and is known as Angular 1 by some. One of the distinctive aspects of the open-source, single-page application framework is the ability to turn static HTML into dynamic. It's jam-packed with filters and directions. AngularJS is at version 1.7.7, and AngularJS 9 is the most recent upgrade. 

Difference between angular and angularjs 

Angular vs. AngularJs: What Are the Main difference between angular and angularjs


Because Angular uses Typescript (a superset of ES6) and AngularJs relies on Javascript, the two open-source frameworks are fundamentally different. This basically suggests that their constituents will differ. To reiterate, [ES6's code is backward-compatible with ES5].

Incorporating Components and Directives 

Furthermore, Angular's operation relies on components, while AngularJs' directive-based system allows for code reuse and the creation of different codes. Scope and controllers are also employed. However, both Angular and the standard directives are implemented differently. 

Components play a significant part in the creation of user interfaces in Angular. Components are used to create the UI as a whole. Component directives in AngularJs are used to define all the same Angular components, such as templates, input/output bindings, etc. These directives have an benefit over lower-level abilities such as ng-include, scope inheritance, etc. 

What is Node JS? 

Node.js provides both a runtime library and an environment for JavaScript applications to run JavaScript applications outside of the browser. Server-side JS apps can be built with this open-source tool. JavaScript is used to write Node.js apps. The Node.js runtime is required for this application to run on Linux or Windows. This framework provides a large collection of JavaScript components to make the web development process easier. 

1. What is a Javascript first-class function? 

First-class functions can be treated like any other variable. In addition to JS, scala, Haskell, and many more programming languages adhere to the same principle. As a result of this function, other functions can be supplied as parameters to this one, and the return value of this one can be another function (higher-order function). Map() and filter() are two prominent higher-order methods. 

2. What is Node.js, and how does it work? 

JavaScript is used as a scripting language in Node.js, employing Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. As a result of its event-driven architecture, which allows for asynchronous I/O, Node.js is both fast and lightweight. Electron, a well-known framework for constructing desktop apps, provides an API for accessing OS-level capabilities, including the file system and network. 

3. When working with Node.js, how do you keep track of packages? 

Several package installers and their corresponding configuration files can take care of it. It's most likely that you'll be using either npm or yarn. Almost all JavaScript libraries include additional features for handling environment-specific parameters provided by these two libraries. We use package.json and package-lock.json to keep track of which libs are installed in a project so that they may be easily ported to a new platform. 

4. What are some frequently used timing features of Node.js? 

Delays in code execution can be implemented using the set Timeout/clear Timeout functions. Using set Interval/clear interval, a code block can be executed repeatedly. When an event loop ends, the code will be executed according to the value of the set Immediate/clear immediate function. To start code execution at the beginning of the next event loop cycle, use process.nextTick. 

5. What is fork in node JS? 

In general, forks are used to create new processes. A new instance of the v8 engine is created in a node to run many workers for the code execution. 

6. Why is Node.js a single-threaded application? 

An experiment in async processing spawned Node.js. The goal of this experiment was to try out a novel notion of executing async processing on a single thread instead of the current implementation of scaling via different frameworks.

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