ASP.NET is a web application framework
which has been developed and marked by Microsoft for developing dynamic
websites by the programmers. It allows the developers to use a full featured
programming language including VB.NET, Jscript.NET, C# etc. to build the
applications easily.
What is ASP.NET?
The full form of ASP is Active Server Pages
and .NET is Network Enables Technologies.
This web application development platform
has been developed by Microsoft. ASP.NET, was first released in the year 2002.
The first version of ASP.NET was 1.0 and the most recent version is 4.6. ASP.NET
applications can also be written in different .NET languages including C#,
VB.NET and J#
ASP.NET Architecture and Components:
ASP.NET framework is used to develop a web
application. The basic application of ASP.NET framework is given below:
Library: Framework Class Library
CLR: Common Language Runtime
The architecture of the .NET framework is
based on the below key components:
Language: Varieties of languages exist in ASP.NET framework including VB.NET
and C# which are being used to develop web applications.
Library: The ASP.NET Framework consisting with a set of Standard Class
Libraries. The most common Library used is the Web Library which has all necessary
components that is used to develop web-based applications.
Common Language Runtime: ASP.NET Programs
are executed on this CLR platform which is used for performing key activities
including Garbage Collection and Exception handling.
Key Characteristics of ASP.NET
Given below some of the key characteristics
of ASP.NET Framework:
Code-behind Mode: It is the concept of
separation of design and code. With this separation, it is now easier to
maintain ASP.NET application. The general file type of ASP.NET is aspx. Visual
Studio creates a separate page for every web page – one is design part and
another one is for the code.
State Management: ASP.NET has that
option to control State Management. HTTP is a Stateless protocol. So, when you
are purchasing anything, HTTP will not able to store the information on the
cart items. Additional coding requires ensuring that the cart items can be carried
forward to the purchase page. This implementation can be complicated. But with
the State Management, ASP.NET can manage everything as it can remember cart
items and pass it to the purchase page as well.
Caching: ASP.NET is able to implement
the concept of Caching. It also improves the performance of the application. Caching
can improve the performance of an application.
ASP.NET Lifecycle:
At the time of launching ASP.NET
application, there are a series of steps which are carried out. It makes the
lifecycle of the application:
Application Start -> Object Creation
-> HTTP Application Creation -> Dispose - > Application End
ASP.NET Page Lifecycle:
When ASP.NET Page is called, it goes
through a proper lifecycle. It needs to be completed before the response is
sent to the visitor. The following steps need to follow for the processing of
an ASP.NET Page:
Page Request -> Page Start -> Page
Initialization -> Page Load -> Validation -> Postback Event Handling
-> Page Rendering -> Unload
ASP.NET is a development language is mainly
used to build up the web-based applications.